Tuesday 22 February 2022

Terry Prachett's The Abominable Snowbaby

This animation was a bit far-fetched and too difficult to believe. It was aimed at children with a short attention span to get them to sit still for a few minutes while giving them the impression that they were allowed to stay up for a bit longer. It was a traditional hand-drawn cartoon which could have done with more colour and relied on traditional Christmases consisting of loads of snow which we haven’t seen in a long while, and portrayed a strange idea that single men lived where they worked, which was in a town that had snarling wolves or neighbours. The odd thing that there wasn’t a Christmas cake in sight, although the conclusion puts a mild focus on ornaments when Granny discovers her reward. Granny certainly has guts to take on the responsibility of a new pet, though there wasn’t much of a conclusion which could have been predicted from the beginning. 

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