Saturday 31 July 2021

What Type of Dog Am I?

I’d always like to be a playful dog so long as I’ve got someone to be involved with. I might be naughty but only to get a few laughs and be a happy soul. I wouldn’t be one of those annoying dogs who snarl at everyone that I’d see. I’d only react when I would be sure that someone was in danger. So really I’d be a good dog and only cause trouble when I’m out playing. I certainly wouldn’t want to e on duty all the time. I’d prefer long walks; especially when I can explore the mountains when there’s less man-made hazards around. Because of this, I’d apparently be a St. Bernard. I can see where the long walks and mountains are involved and it’d be great to have a barrel of sprits about by collar (even though I prefer beer) but I’m not sure where the playfulness would be involved in all this. I’d just be one sloppy, sleepy mess.

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