Friday 16 July 2021

Fetch Me My Slippers

Where do slippers end up? Obviously there’s a point where they don’t just leave your feet when you change your shoes. You need them off when you shower, and also when you go to bed, otherwise you’d leave them next to where you keep your shoes. And it’s curious as to they end up. One of them will always be in plain sight, sticking out useless in a prominent place reminding you of your failed efficiency while the other one will never emerge unless you spend a whole hour commissioning an expedition to find it under the bed. Maybe it’s just me. Perhaps in your household everything has its place and you always ensure that they’re in the same spot. Maybe you’re lucky to own more than one pair of slippers that you wear when accomplishing different tasks. You may even have a pet or a human assistant to fetch them for you. As for me, I’ll just have to get one of those GPS tags. Now where did I put my phone?


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