Tuesday 27 July 2021

Dutch Theatre #dreamdiary113

 I’m watching a live stream of a theatre production from home. There’s a live audience as well. The stage is set against a massive orange background. I wonder if it’s Dutch theatre. In the centre high above the ground is a small black square dot. The actors are just beginning to walk through the dot onto the stage. First there’s someone that looks a lot like Martin Freeman and I think that it probably is. Then follows a young black woman with black shiny hair and massive oversized breasts. They’re like giant cow udders hanging down from her body. After this follows someone as a papier-mâché tree which appears to be stuck as it’s too tall to walk through the hole. All the other players start laughing as they suddenly realise how ridiculous this set is. The rest of the cast and even some of the technical crew have appeared to enquire as to the source of this mirth and to figure out how to get the show back on track. I laugh out loud. I wonder how the live audience can see anything. Perhaps they have incredibly good eyesight or they’ve brought binoculars. Maybe they’ve brought their phones so that they can stream the same camera angles that we can from home.  

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