Tuesday 20 July 2021

Am I Loving It?

It’s hard to know if little ones are really enjoying themselves. Sure, they want to take part and follow in the footsteps of the grown-ups but you can see that they get tired after a while and that they’ve had enough, even if they won’t admit it themselves. Small signs such as not focusing on the task at hand or not taking an interest in the progress of others are dead giveaways. You’ve got to make a decision between their happiness and to see the activity through competition; especially if you’ve paid for it or it’s something that they’ve suggested themselves. Sometimes a little refreshment is required to get them going again. Even a rest break might help, though to a child this seems like stopping the activity completely as they’re no longer active in the fun. But a simple distraction or a mental mind game can do wonders for their health, even if it’s a case of asking them how many people they can see. It all adds to their enjoyment of being in an unfamiliar place.


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