Sunday 25 July 2021

The Great Biccie Dunk-Off

What’s the best biscuit for dunking? You can get the most marvellous of cookies nowadays loaded up with the most luxurious of toppings, but dunk one of these in your cuppa and the toppings will simply fall into the brew. What’s even worse is that most of these biscuits will just disintegrate as soon as it submerges into the mug. You’re then left with a very strange-tasting brew with unexpected pieces of biscuit that will either surprise you mid-sip or you’ll end up having to pick out bits towards the end of the brew, scalding your fingernails and ruining both tea and biscuit alike. What you need is something that’ll stand up to the dunk. Usually the plainest is the simplest, and the dry taste is taken away as soon as it’s soaked in the brew. A digestive with a bit of chocolate would be perfect. It’s just the right size too. 

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