Friday 30 July 2021

Stuck in the Middle

When you’re in the middle, you’re on show. Everyone’s eye is naturally drawn to you so it’s up to you to lead the way in what happens next. Will you get a round of applause, a load of followers, or will a bout of mummers and ridicule betide you? Maybe you won’t like the attention. Maybe you’ll want to run away or at least hide yourself away from prying eyes. Or maybe you’re not doing enough to warrant people’s attention. They look at you but realise that nothing significant is happening and move onto the next interesting subject. They may even be trying to avoid you. Perhaps the scene that you’re creating is offensive to them. But whatever is happening, your position is prime to the circumstances and it really does help you to stand out. And if you raise your voice just a little, you can really give them a show.

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