Wednesday 21 July 2021

Can I just not pay and let the gas be shut off to my rental house? My tenant had the utility bill in his name but didn't pay so the provider changed it into my name and is billing me. I'd like to just not pay and let whatever happens happen.

Yes, of course you can. It’s your choice. It sounds as if there may be consequences but you sound like you’re ready to face them. You might find it difficult to get gas supplied to your rental house in the future. They may send out bailiffs to collect for the debt; take you to court or bang you up for refusing to pay or at least refusing to take ownership of the situation. These are all possibilities resulting from the consequences that you choose. It’s interesting that the utility company have all the details to bill you though. Of course, you haven’t stated if you’ve spoken to the utility company or not; and perhaps all of this hassle could be avoided if you give them any details you have of your tenant to them or the authorities. But hey, it’s your choice. Why not let things escalate and let the fireworks begin? 

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