Saturday 3 July 2021

One is Not Enough #nuclearmermaid 19

The next thing she had to do was to get her breasts through the door. After some squishing and shoving she managed to pull them through followed by her body propped up on her arms. Then she felt a tug. Her beautiful round rear had caught the top of the wood. Because of her scales, it wouldn’t squash as easily as her breasts. As she slid back to loosen herself up, she felt the wood behind her begin to split. She pulled through again but harder this time and the whole wall gave way to her beautiful bouncing buttocks. She shook the dirt off her fins and pondered how to get through to the fresh air outside. Essentially she was trapped in the laboratory fish tank again, but she couldn’t wait as long to outgrow this one. She wondered if there was anything nearby to help her bust out of this one.

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