Thursday 29 July 2021

The Interpreter (2005)

With a title like this, you immediately think that a translation is being made for someone’s gain or a conspiracy that is made to create injustice rather than a character that just happens to be in the wrong place at the one time. Although the location is interesting; the film results in nothing more than a cat and mouse chase that we haven’t seen before with fairly predictable results. Still, there’s plenty of action. Kidman does a fantastic job of playing the foreigner; though her character does seem meek, submissive and untrusting at times with a very confusing motive. And we never got to see her give that clarinet lesson. You’d also think that governments would have more of a hold to choose their own interpreters rather than to rely on independent ones supplied by the U.N; and that more censorship would take place. I suppose that there’s a cost savings though. It’s an entertaining movie but it’s not one that I’d seek out to watch again.

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