Friday 9 July 2021


Conspiracies are usually put in place for all the wrong reasons to protect the few but I love the thought that’s put into place for this one. It’s novel, protective, and easy to understand, thought there are a few bizarre moments that have to make you wonder why some of the villagers didn’t begin their thinking sooner. But there’s plenty of humour and chuckles along the path to discover the conspiracy; though also predictable plot moments also transpire as soon as you witness the props. The catchy lyrics to the songs are very enjoyable, and I might have only heard half of them owing to sharing a pair of earphones when I was watching it. James Corden’s voice is instantly recognisable as the explorer but the rest of the cast try too much to imitate others. I first thought that Fleem was voiced by Steve Buscemi. It’s great to see that the traditional walls are torn down at the end and a new wave of thinking begins. 

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