Sunday 4 July 2021

That Crazy Golf Place

We’ve gotten word that there’s a new indoor golf course nearby. It seems the perfect activity to keep my nieces entertained during the winter half-term. It’s set on an estate near a farm shop and a driving range so we head on over. As it doesn’t open till noon, we grab some sausage rolls from the bakery to keep us going. Then we wander into a large and dark brick building with a corrugated metal shelf roof and absolutely no natural lighting. A man appears and explains that they’re still prepping so we let the girls explore while we wait. We spot a life-size silhouette and we stick our heads through to pose for photographs. There’s no stools for children to take part though. Then we spot a beautiful bar in the corner with TV screens and high stools and I wonder if the owners designed this place with children in mind. It certainly doesn’t look very colourful.


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