Wednesday 28 July 2021

Manner of Play

When you play a game, you want to try your best, but you want to make it fun for everyone as well. This can be difficult when there’s a large group of people behind you waiting impatiently to clear the hole. You also want the freedom to experiment. Are you going to play the same route that everyone else does to get the best score; or are you going to try a risky shot to involve or avoid the hole’s obstacle to see what happens? And then there’s the manner of strokes. You want to be fair, competitive, and accurate, but you also need to make progress so that you don’t keep your fellow players waiting. Are you going to wait for your ball to stop before taking another stroke, or do you give it another tap to get it up that hill? Do you start again if the ball leaves the course? And most importantly, do you add that to your score? All this thought for a bit of fun.


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