Sunday 18 July 2021

Hope it's not Hereditary

 ‘Look at me’ she says, ‘I’m Nanny Mandy!’ Little does she know that Nanny Mandy does have health problems and it’s a huge possibility that she may be heading the same way. Who knows what else might go wrong? A child’s innocent words could reflect a lifetime of future problems that could be inherited from her genes. Will witnessing the demise of her current ancestry have an effect which could mentally scar her or frighten her into taking action? Will she believe that her only course is to follow in the footsteps of her grandmother? Of course, medical science is evolving all the time and there may be steps that can be taken to prevent such illnesses. All that we can do is not to think of it, roll the dice and prepare for the worst whilst hoping for the best. Of course, it may be her own lifestyle decisions that she takes that gets her there. She’s in good health so far though.

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