Sunday 1 August 2021

The Sound of Drums

Just how many people complete this hole with one shot? It’s impossible. It must also be awfully expensive. It’s not just the drum skins that must need replacing, it’s the number of shrapnel that bounces off them and hits god knows what else in the room. I also vaguely remember a set of cymbals just at the end of the hole, though that could be my wishful thinking at this stage. So what’s the best strategy? Do you go for one drum or try to hit it off each one in succession; bearing in mind that they’re not an equal distance and they’re not angled to hit the next one? And of course, there’ll be someone out there who’ll be determined to do it one shot, no matter how many attempts it takes. After all, it could be the make or break shot of the game. You should get a drum roll for every attempt regardless of whether you’re successful.   


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