Thursday 12 August 2021

At the Movies #dreamdiary 114

We’re off to see the movies. For some odd reason in this odd day and age, we haven’t exactly decided what to see so we all arrive together instead of a pre-appointed time. I really want to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean Movie and there’s a poster of it in the foyer. When we arrive, the first thing that I suggest we do is go to the ticket office and decide what film to see. Instead, my friends fancy a game of pool. We wander down this tunnel that’s like a London underground connection but the walls are painted red with golden bricks and there’s neon glow sticks. We find a pool room with chequered tiles and I order drinks while my friends rack up the balls. Towards the end of the game, we get into a fight with a neighbouring table and leave. I suggest that we go and look at the times now so we know how much time we’ve got for the next activity, so we continue to follow the tunnel which leads into a room filled with pinball machines and all the multiball modes suddenly come active and ball bearings fly everywhere.

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