Tuesday 17 August 2021

Bouncing Around

Everyone loves to bounce. And if there’s a surface that will let you push harder to get you higher than you normally would without doing too much damage then it’s got to be good. I’m not sure about bouncing in a netted cage though. I don’t think it’ll do much to actually stop you if you were to put your full body weight on it. I think it’s more of a deterrent to train your mind to keep you central rather than act as a fence. But when there’s more than one person bouncing you’re all in close quarters so it’s a hard enough job to mind each other as well as the net. But if placed successfully, you can bounce off each other’s momentum and use it to go higher with a lot less effort. I’m not sure about those straps though. They’re designed to secure the exit but it could cause a panic if someone needed to get out in a hurry.


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