Wednesday 11 August 2021

Straining Sunlight

Sunlight. Sometimes you just can’t get away from it. And a misplaced position totally ruins your pose. You’re standing there waiting for the photographer to press that that button and your face is straining. You’ve glanced over but for too long and your face is in tears. It looks like you’re crying rather than smiling. Everyone else carries on with posed grins but you’ll forever be pictured as the miserable one of the bunch. If only you were given fair warning of when the button was going to be pressed. Then you could have braced yourself for that single shot of sunlight in your face. And it’s hard enough to stay still while you wait for the photographer to do their framing. All you want to do is absorb yourself back into the natural flow of time. The alternative is to be prepared with a pair of sunglasses in your pocket. You never know when you’re going to have your picture taken. But will everyone see who you are?


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