Monday 2 August 2021

Man in Black

He’s going for that mod-rocker look, even though his behaviour is not. There’s a large round face with thin lips, large folded-back unpierced ears and short hair. Sometimes there’s a beard. It depends on what the season is. I suppose it keeps him warm. Blue or black jeans are his trademark followed by a plain coloured t-shirt, although if he’s been to a lecture he wears a formal buttoned dress shirt for sake of uniformed attire. Then there’s the jacket. If it’s a school day it’s a light brown synthetic leather jacket, and for a casual day it’s a black one complete with shiny buttons on the shoulders. Then to complete the look he sports a large pair of pilot’s sunglasses. He’s one of those people that is happy to hear of the misfortunes of others and always takes an interest in what’s happening but somehow he’s never the one to start the gossip. I suppose he could be described as a gentleman in disguise.

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