Saturday 28 August 2021

The Museum #dreamdiary 115

There’s this little museum at our college that everyone’s very proud of. It doesn't get much of a look-in in by the locals or attract many visitors, but it tells the history of the college and its achievements. It's usually at its busiest at the beginning of the term when students still have funds to pay the admission fee and are keen to find out more about their new home. Towards the end of the academic year, it's frequented by older and mature students who want to compare their achievements and reflect on their time here. It's hosted in an old house and the curator lives on the site. The odd thing is that it's hard to tell where the museum ends and his residential rooms begin. You might accidentally pass through a door that hasn't been locked or overhear something in passing from the other side of a display screen that acts as a party wall. The curator himself is something of a disliked campus character and students often take advantage of these security flaws to climb over and raid his home. After visiting the museum, students often like to watch the evening locomotive arrive where it’s said that it sometimes brings ghosts as visitors. Will you happen upon one tonight or is it just a drama student in Victorian dress?

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