Wednesday 25 August 2021


It’s the greatest convenience appliance of our age. You can buy a prepared meal supposedly designed by a chef then cooked in batchers and all the components are collated into an individual plastic tray. I’m sure that there are other things that it can be used for but I’ve not really dabbled. It probably involves studying the manual to learn all the different functions which no-one really needs to know. It might be handy to know how to defrost something to save some time but if you’re going to try and cook something at a low level of heat then you’re probably better off with a crock pot. All you really need to know is that metal is bad and if anything else goes wrong you can just unplug it and take the whole thing to the tip. But it must be a traditional one that goes ping for its comic effect. If there’s a series of beeps then you may as well still be at work. 


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