Sunday 22 August 2021

Athletic Alex

He’s got a large nose and a face that’s nearly always clean-shaven. His ears fold back underneath a small turf of short brown hair. His hygiene is impeccable and he’s always wearing something that’s white and clean with socks to match. These are always on show with his habitual black shorts and black shoes. He’s fairly thin but his hobby puts his body in all the right places that the ladies admire. He likes to be seen behaving himself but if he does slip off early you’ll have to be observant to catch him. He makes friends by keeping active and on the move and always invites others to join him; whether it’s a game of footy of kicking a hacky sack around. Once he’s warmed up his body, his mind usually follows and he’s quite a friendly chap to chat to. His deep voice and northern accent makes him sound older than he is. 

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