Saturday 7 August 2021

Chinese Boxing

 What began as an innocent game of golf became a regular practice session for underground competitions. The very first glimpse of that black leather bag hanging from the ceiling just stirred something that needed to be destroyed. The way that it sways, even with the slightest touch; just becomes hypnotic. It becomes focused and everything surrounding it is a distraction. It must be moved at all cost and must never be allowed to stand still. Why is it here? What does it represent? How can it be got rid of? All these questions might be resolved with a physical push. At first, caution will be exercised to test the reaction of this new object in the environment. Then, once it’s established that resistance is minimal, more effort will be involved. Before long, the inquisitive mind will want nothing more than a desire to keep this invader as far from the body as possible. Training has started.

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