Monday 7 June 2021

"As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself...Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honest, but humility."

 -Nelson Mandela.

No one likes to repeat themselves but sometimes there's no other option if you want to get your message through. But I disagree that you have to change yourself before you can change the world. If you know that something is wrong, you shouldn't have to go on a spiritual journey first. You can't spend your days waiting for that epiphany that's going to be your game-changer. It might never come, and you’re just delaying the change even further and you might end up making it even harder to cultivate that change. You've got to take the first step yourself and get up and do it. If you know that you can do it then you should have the drive to succeed. But if you know that you're lying to yourself you're going to find it harder to convince others unless your primary goal is to deceive them. Remember that hiding your shame is going to make it easier for others to stop you, in which case you could end up in a vicious circle.

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