Monday 28 June 2021

Misplaced Waters

Years ago, my Dad used to ferry me and my things to and from college each term. It was a three-hour drive and we’d always go the same scenic route. The last third would consist of a non-motorway stretch and my Dad would always pull over and have a break before he’d tackle whatever the next stretch would through at us. We always stopped at the same place which was a lay-by with council-maintained toilets and a burger van. We never bought any food or drink as we’d usually have a snack box ready. It would be a quick case of using the facilities, stretching our legs, and letting Dad have a smoke break. It’s been years since I’ve graduated and I’ve returned to campus myself a couple of times in my own car. It took me a while to find the right lay-by, but I managed it. The oddest thing I spotted was a footpath heading away from the lay-by towards the river. I decided to follow it just by chance which brought me to this waterfall right under the bridge. It amazes me how many times we visited this car park and didn’t realise that this waterfall was here. It just goes to show what you can do and where you can go when you’re off the reins of the designated driver. 


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