Sunday 20 June 2021

Energy (wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle)

I’ve never been a fan of energy drinks. They omit this revolting odour, and I only associate them when mixed with tasteless spirits in a vile attempt to get inebriated quicker. They’re also seen as a great disguise as it would be difficult to tell if someone’s added their own personal stash to the can when left in the workplace. I prefer the natural oat and nut method that traditionally releases sugars into the body naturally to give me a little boost. Or even the occasional sugar rush or morning caffeine high works too. Then there’s these energy bars. I suppose they’re an alternative form of protein to help your body recover after a workout. I can’t see people munching down one of these as an alternative to a Lucozade. There’s some interesting flavours but one bar is the cost of four Mars bars so you have to ask is it really worth it? It’s quite a big investment if you can’t buy them singularly to try first. 


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