Friday 11 June 2021

What did a Family member do for you to never talk to them again?

When my father passed away, we ended up with two cars but only one driver in the household. It didn’t make sense to have two cars so I started looking into selling off mine. A week later, I found out that my cousin couldn’t afford to get his car repaired, so I agreed to sell it to him. The car wasn’t far off its MOT and the dealer recommended a few other minor repairs to be done as well so I arranged for everything to be completed and that I would stump up the cost of this if he was happy to pay the same asking price. He agreed, and after the car was repaired I handed over the keys together with the log book and the car’s service history. A month later I found him openly mocking me as a mug for paying for work which didn’t need to be done. This annoyed me greatly as I was offering him a very good deal on this car at my expense. However, karma was served as another month passed and I discovered that his car had been written off as someone had hit it and sped off without leaving any details. He hasn’t spoken to me since. 

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