Friday 4 June 2021

Death by Ice Cream

There was a group of about nine of us that popped in for a lunchtime meal. We all managed to get seated together at one long table, and we were lucky enough to sit next to our hosts. As well as friends, there were also family members present that came out for the company. Some opted for the carvery, but our end of the table opted for the a la carte menu which was cooked fresh to order. After some amazing faggots that were cooked perfectly, it was time for dessert. We decided to go for a sharing sundae which came out in a huge bowl. It was filled with marshmallows, cream and wafers, and it was difficult to tell where the cream ended and the ice-cream began. The question was who was going to give in first, and was it enough for the both of us? And could I wash down a second pint ad be careful about driving home? Of course I could. 

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