Saturday 26 June 2021

Blowing Bubbles

There’s something that’s incredibly relaxing about bubbles. There they go, bobbing about without a care in the world and there’s hardly any consequences about what you do with them. You can chase them about the garden, watch them soar high up into the sky, or try to pop as many as you can. If you catch them just right, the sun produces a prism effect on the apex of the bubble. And then there’s the effort of creating the bubbles themselves. Children just blow on the magic wand as hard as they can and usually they produce a few tiny bubbles followed by a lot of spittle. But with a physical wave you can produce loads of bubbles from the wand with hardly effort at all. You can battery-powered machines that produce bubbles for you. But the best ones (assuming that they still make these) are the plastic lawnmowers that kids push along and produce bubbles in their wake.


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