Sunday 13 June 2021

Out and About #nuclearmermaid18

 Spying a large piece of cloth hanging from the ceiling, she pulled it off and wrapped it around her breasts, tying it in a bow around her torso and hoisting it up her back. It wasn’t very comfortable and the material didn’t give much room for her skin to breathe, but at least it would do for now. Hopefully she could bear it enough to reach the ocean, or if not she might find a better material on her journey. But now she just wanted to get out of this stone-cold place and feel the wind in her hair. The only exit she could see was a large piece of wood that swung open and shut every time the biped came to visit her. As she tapped the wood, it moved. She pushed it forward and stuck her head through. Ahead of her was the darkness, but to the left was daylight.

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