Tuesday 29 June 2021

"A leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realising that all along that they are being directed from behind."

-Nelson Mandela.

If you like to be followed, you need to make sure that everyone is following you. You need to set the pace. But when you get ahead, you may lose followers and it’s hard to work out where you lost them unless you backtrack and ask the others. They may even have their own ideas. This also causes the whole flock to slow down. But if you let the flock go ahead, you can keep an eye on everyone. Of course, this only works when the flock knows where it is going and that you’ve given them some insight into your plan. And there’s also the worry of a second leader emerging at the front who might have ideas of their own. So is it better to correct the flock or prevent their mistakes?  How much can you trust them to do the right thing? And how do their actions reflect upon you? 

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