Sunday 6 June 2021

Memory Mattress

Is it natural to sleep in a hole? These manufacturers certainly seem to think so. If you’re a restless sleeper, wouldn’t you eventually carve a huge pit instead of the imprint of your head? It certainly seems that you should fork out extra cash for a personalised pillow. And of course, you can’t share it as it’d screw it up for the next person. But what if your position isn’t the only thing that it remembers? What if it remembers your dreams? It could certainly be handy for psychologists if you could watch them on your PC while you were awake. It could learn your thoughts and feelings and use them against you; either to manipulate your wallet (which may not be a bad thing if you reap the consequences also) or your actions to a higher purpose. Perhaps it could even influence what you dream. Would you want to leave it?


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