Thursday 3 June 2021

One for the Road

It started off well with guests and tales of travels and adventures in foreign lands. There were some great stories about pinball wizards and locals giving advice that turned out not to be that great advice. And you also get to hear what life is like in the day of a beer distributor. Expect lots of banter and the occasional attempt at karaoke. There’s some great debates about what beers would a superhero drink, what would Van Gough drink as he painted each masterpiece and many more topics besides. But at the end of the day, it just comes down to two blokes sitting down and having a chat over a couple of beers. Sometimes it does get a bit stale and you can feel it in the presenter’s voices. It sounds like the lockdown is beginning to affect their plans. In any case they don’t seem to be producing any more; unless they’ve moved onto a video format. Hopefully things will pick up again soon.

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