Friday 25 June 2021

Where to Go and What to Wear #dreamdiary111

I might be tired because I’m always wearing old clothes. They’re just so old and conservative. The trouble is that I’ve got too many memories attached to certain garments and their age and wear and tear is probably why I feel so scruffy most of the time.  I probably also need to throw a few things out; but I need the shops to open first so I know what’s available. Fashion also costs money so I can’t go on a spending spree just yet. I need to go somewhere exotic and exciting and bring back a sense of culture rather than the usual western-style clothes. Maybe somewhere loud like Rio? But I certainly wouldn’t to spend all my time looking at market stalls. I’d want to hit the beach, see a bit of the rainforest, pose by Christ the Redeemer and ride the cable cars too. But I wouldn’t want to stay in a posh expensive hotel. I’d rather stay in a smaller place with a bit of local colour.

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