Monday 21 June 2021

Paper Problems

It was once absolutely necessary. You’d open a drawer and there’d be pages of the stuff and it would take you an age to wade through it all to find what you’re looking for. Nowadays it’s becoming less of a necessity as we’re expected to download our material beforehand and print it out if we feel if it’s a necessity.  On top of that, at some point we’ve got to decide what to keep and what to get rid of and whether we can just recycle it or shred it or even burn it to destroy its content. You could even convert it to digital before doing all that if you decide to invest in that cause to create some space. Of course, having children means that you still need to keep some in stock regardless of how much you print as they’ll need some to draw you a picture. Let’s just hope that they’ll leave you some crease-free sheets to print out that all-important document when you need it.

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