Tuesday 22 June 2021

Music Pirates

In the olden days, if you wanted to buy a piece of music you’d hand over your cash and you’d get it in the format that you chose. You were free to buy what you thought you’d like and you could also buy it for other people as presents. You’d be happy and the musician would be happy. Then you’d decide that you didn’t want to spend the money and devise ways to copy the music to share and distribute with other people. Obviously this wasn’t great news for the record companies. There was a great surge in online piracy as people rallied to own the music to use as they saw fit rather than to own a licence to play the music as in individual as the record companies saw. There was even a great push to sell devices so that everyone would have to buy their own music. Nowadays the record companies offer to give you all the music for a set price. It sounds great, but when you just want to listen to one song it makes things awkward. Time to raise the Jolly Roger again.


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