Thursday 24 June 2021

Eye of the Beholder

Someone’s come up with a fail-proof system for our high-value stuff. If there’s a plastic seal fastened through the lid and the seal number is recorded, then the contents of the box will be secure until such time as the seal is broken. It’s hoped that in most cases the box will reach the destination as intended. Of course, this doesn’t rule out the fact that the box could still go missing altogether or that the box could be incorrectly packed before it is sealed. But what amuse me is the amount of effort that the company has invested in ensuring that no injuries take place. Once the seal has been threaded through, there’s a fair bit of seal left over hanging out over the lid. Unfortunately, some poor soul has suffered an eye injury when removing the seal owing to the leftover plastic. Because of this, we’re now required to cut the excess plastic off every time a seal is sealed. They just can’t accept that this poor person didn’t take the necessary care to ensure their safety. It’s regulations that have gone bananas. 


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