Wednesday 23 June 2021

Table 19

This was an interesting concept that could have been done better with a higher profile cast budget and more experience writers. I found the protagonist to have little experience and was portrayed as a whining bitch, although that also might explain how she ended up in her position in the first place. Little attention is focused on the wedding itself which takes a back seat; especially during key events; to focus on this select few. A bit more attention could have been paid to some moments such as jumping off the boat and witnessing the original argument. It's down to the famous faces to fill in the rest of the plot including Lisa Kudrow as “The Experienced One”, a Bernie Mac lookalike and that lanky bloke from the office who all just happened to be hanging around the producer’s office at the same time. It does look like to be a great venue for a wedding though. There are a few comic moments such as the mother of the groom getting absolutely blotted and the lanky guy’s mission to replace the wedding cake. It's worth a look. 

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