Thursday 1 June 2017

Decanter Decanted

I was a bit disappointed with my first visit to Bromsgrove’s newest high street independent off-licence; or so it seemed at the time of my visit. There were racks rather than stacks which made a pleasant change for an off-licence, but it was more of a showcase than a shopping experience. While the displays looked very nice; there was very little in the way of choice with only one whole bay dedicated to the good stuff. Just opposite, there was a huge range of bottled cider of both fruit and concentrate varieties; and beyond that was a section of glassware and upmarket children’s drinks. The front of the shop was dedicated to displaying unusual spirits in attractive bottles. The shop’s manager was quite pleasant to chat to but she did leave the front for an alarming amount of time; time enough for anyone to make a quick getaway. I’m also under the impression that she’s a franchisee of an off-licence chain. I wish them well but I do hope that they get some beers in from further afield.

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