Wednesday 28 June 2017

How many people does it take to change a light bulb?

Granted, this wasn’t just an ordinary bulb in a house; it was a panel light which was on a strip circuit hung up in a large marquee. If it was me, I would have just left it. It wasn’t affecting the circuit as all the other lights were shining; and there wasn’t anything obstructing the other lights. It would just be a dark patch for the whole space of the four hours that it was required. But it had to be looked at. And this required an audience of four people. Two would have been fine considering the height at which it was raised. But the other two people had to get involved. I know they were only trying to help and suggest ideas; but the two were the trained professionals that should have followed procedure to get the job done and should have followed their protocols in order rather than listen to the other two’s suggestions. And so, I watched as bulb after bulb was taken in and out and swapped; but all they really needed to do was to take the panel away and swap it for a new one. Whose bright idea was this?

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