Sunday 25 June 2017

The Demon Drink

It’s nearly time to go, but there’s one last thing that you must do. You feel a thunder rumbling through your head and you know it’s a good time to stop but you just want more. The master of mischief has crept into your soul. You have to try that new beer before it disappears from your life forever. You’re willing yourself not to but everyone is indulging and you don’t want to miss out. If it causes you to sing and dance all the way home; at least you won’t be alone. The world is spinning as a result of your demonic indulgence and all you can do is sit there grinning like an idiot; overacting the stimulus around you while blocking out anything that isn’t big or loud. And try as you might; there’s no resistance to any silly idea that falls into your over-stimulated brain. Go on, do it. It’ll be a laugh. And you’ll be the soul of the party.

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