Saturday 24 June 2017

Cyber Terror Comes to Our Door!

This morning we’re under threat of cyber terrorism so I’m having to change the password on our router. After rummaging in various drawers I’ve found some keys for the garden patio door, an old camera, an old mobile phone, and a 256MB flash drive before finding two ethernet cables. I decided to use my Mum’s computer because it’s faster but the connector in the thinner of the two cables got stuck in the port. It didn’t connect and it took quite a bit of prising to get it out again. So I decided to use my computer instead which is older and needs replacing anyway; and also chose the thicker wire. The connection to the internet was instant, but I had to reboot the server before I could access it to change the security settings. It took me about half an hour but it ruined my plans to go swimming that morning. And the daft thing is that we don’t really use that many smart devices. 

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