Tuesday 27 June 2017

Sleep on the Move

It’s very difficult to sleep when you’re on the move. Firstly; you need to put some trust into the person that’s leading you; if it yourself then you’re sure to have some problems. Then you’ve got to get comfortable with your surroundings. Resting your head against the glass of a window is certainly a bad idea; if you hit a pothole or speed bump you’re bound to hurt yourself. There might be an increase of noise or sudden movement; especially if you’ve got an aisle seat and there are other people moving about. The speed at which you’re travelling may suddenly change; forcing you to wake up and take the change in your situation into focus. Hopefully you’ve stopped safely and you’re not forced into a panic. You’ve also got to make sure that you’re not too hot or cold. Maintaining consistency is what’s needed for a good nap; and that’s often hard to achieve. But a few beers should do it.

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