Sunday 11 June 2017

Shardlow Golden Eye at the Blue Bell, Melbourne

Our next stop was in Melbourne; the Derbyshire equivalent; and we’d had a bit of negotiating with the local traffic and a bit of jeering when it came to finding a space to let us through the narrow lane. But we found the pub just as it was opening; although by the time we’d got inside and got served, there was a local following in the pub’s lounge who’d already hogged the pool table and the lounge seating. But at least their tree was up. The pub had quite a nice terraced garden which overlooked the road but we stayed in the benched bar and I tried the locally brewed Shardlow Golden Eye. Unfortunately it tasted quite metallic; and when we were faced with the dilemma of a walk up the road or a wait for a lift, I opted for the walk to stretch my legs and give me more time at the next pub.

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