Wednesday 14 June 2017


This was the film that started it all; a simple tale of seasonal goodwill which just happened to have the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking back, you’ll see some very familiar faces from appearances to come. And this feature is just the right length with a perfect storyline that’s not too far-fetched. There’s a great sense of the New Yorker in all characters here; from receptionist to the police despatch; they all convey a sense of a leave me alone attitude and ‘How can I use the situation to benefit me?’ Why get someone to thumb through a directory to find out what floor they need when there’s only one floor occupied? The stunts and fight scenes are very novel considering the limited amount of room available; which what makes this film such a hit; no-one else could conceive such a situation at the time. But there’s a bit too much blood in the bathroom scene; but then it’s a good day to live hard.

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