Friday 2 June 2017

The Goofy Guy #dreamdiary30

I’ve just finished assembling my display for the big showcase. It’s a beautiful sunny day and everything is built up, polished and ready to go in the nick of time. The crowd are milling around waiting for the event to open. And there in the front row is the Goofy Guy. I don't want to discriminate against people, but from first glance I know that something's going to go very wrong as soon as he approaches the velvet robe. There's no air of misdemeanour about him, instead he displays a simple expression of curiosity. But one single touch will mean instant catastrophe. I'm begging for him to not come over before the judges start their rounds but there's no stopping his thought process. I can hear the calamity getting closer and closer with each footstep. There's a pause as he takes out his guidebook to examine what is in front of him. Perhaps I should go up and strike a conversation and put myself between harm’s way? Too late.

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