Saturday 3 June 2017

Green Jack Lurcher at the Rising Sun, Redditch

Lurch had been left, well, in the lurch. The man who’d been feeding him scraps for the past week had gone indoors; leaving Lurch out in the rain. He’d decided to stay outside as he didn’t want to lose track of the man; but it was also raining and there was nowhere for him to take shelter. He’d tried burrowing underneath a dumpster but he couldn’t stand the smell that protruded from above him. And so he’d taken to aimlessly wander in circles; occasionally stopping to sniff at a passer-by in the hope that they would give him some food. All the humans seemed very busy darting about in their trench coats and umbrellas carrying various bags; probably to find some sort of shelter. But Lurcher had nowhere to go, just like the man who was feeding him. Where was he anyway? It started to get colder and colder and the wind picked up. Then a gate swung open beside the pub as someone dashed out into the abyss. Lurcher creeped forward, hoping to find somewhere dry for the night. 

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