Friday 30 June 2017

Ant Man

Ant-Man takes us away from the heroic qualities of the Avengers and into the realm of the anti-hero; albeit a tale ridden with potholes. We see a story of a man who tries to live a decent life but is forced back into crime; but actually skirts the moral value because it’s engineered as a test by an old man who sold his company and got a raw deal out of it; mainly a very small house. It’s full of power-hungry people who’ve got more bark than their bite; stating that they could have crushed you ages ago but they’ve taken the humane option. It needs more comic moments with Ant-Man’s powers; the Thomas the Tank Engine scene was great but it was a shame that it was used in the finale of the film. There was only one major fight storyline; and we only got to see the ant army in action once. It’s also strange that an experienced field operative couldn’t figure out how to return from the sub-atomic realm; yet a rookie manages to figure it out in five minutes. The cops were also rookies here’ leaving people in mid-arrest to jump into action when the bigger things happen and they’ve got the suspects right under their noses -why? It’s like handcuffs have suddenly not existed. Don’t pay money to see this; you’ll be disappointed.

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