Tuesday 6 June 2017

My Neighbour Gollum #dreamdiary31

My neighbour next door lives in a hut. It’s not really a house; just a bunch of sticks constructed into a shelter on a piece of grass. His garden consists of discarded tins, papers, and rotting food, all of which is randomly dotted around the overgrown lawn. As you hang on the edge debating with yourself as to whether to set foot on his turf to persuade him to tidy up a bit; you get a sense of something present watching you inside the hut. A small steady burst of steam is streaming up into the sky; and you can smell plastic fumes filtering out into the neighbourhood. There seems to be a lot of movement around the hut; and it’s hard to say whether it’s some rodent come to investigate this new intruder or the man himself. Finally he rises, wearing only a loin cloth, and stares at you with large unblinking eyes.

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