Sunday 4 June 2017

Cloud Eight

If you’ve completed the seven steps to heaven and you’re trying to reach a state of euphoria on cloud nine; then there’s just one more gateway that you need to pass; the pearly gates. But those of us who work there call it by another name: Cloud Eight. We decide who gets admitted; who deserves eternal rest; who deserves to be sent into the pit of fire and who should be sent back for another spell. We have to assess each individual’s achievements and decide who needs more coaching; who has benefitted from their experience and who deserves a rest. It’s ultimately up to St. Peter to decide who should be admitted; and if you haven’t proved yourself worthy then you have to state your case to The Lord. So it’s up to the rest of us to check that all their paperwork is in order; or in disorder if there’s no chance of forgiveness. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it!

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